Saturday, January 24, 2009

Seven's Heaven

We have had a great week of sevens. First of all, our oldest son Noah turned seven years old. I've really seen this birthday as a turning point from little kid to young man. He's growing braver, smarter, and stronger all the time. For his birthday his dad got him a BB gun and with his first shot he got a bull's eye! What a thrill. I'm so thankful for him.
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In other news, we recently found out that baby #7 is on the way. We are absolutely thrilled. Each new baby has been such a joy and a gift, and we look forward to getting to know this little one and falling in love again for the seventh time. Not sure of a due date yet, but I'll post one when I know it. Here's a picture of Patience, just 'cuz. :)
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We were recently at the SAICFF and were so blessed to get to meet many large families that were an encouragement to us. I especially liked talking to the mother's who had some grown children. I heard the same thing over and over... It gets easier the bigger they are, and more joyful too! I was thrilled to tears to get to meet Mrs. Duggar. She was one of the kindest, sweetest, and most joy-filled ladies I've ever met.
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